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What To Expect At A Hearing Test

If you’ve never had a hearing test, it can be normal to feel a little nervous beforehand. But more often than not, hearing tests aren’t as bad as you think.  Hearing doesn’t just allow you to hear sounds, it allows you to communicate with others and can even enhance your mental health, physical health and…

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How to Know if Your Loved One Has a Hearing Loss

It is normal to worry about the wellbeing and health of our loved ones as they age, and we often try support them in ageing well so that they can be healthy and happy for as long as possible. In order to do this, you need to know when something is wrong.

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ihear Clinician Saves Patient’s Life with Early Detection of Aneurysm

It’s no secret that regular check-ups are important for physical health, but there is a case where a simple hearing test saved a life. At ihear, our Clinician noticed something unusual with a patient and insisted that she see her GP. As it turns out, they had discovered an aneurysm in her head – without…

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Communication Tips for Better Hearing During the Holidays

Family Enjoying Holiday Meal Together

1 in 6 Australians have hearing loss. Learn 4 simple tips for better hearing during the holidays so you don’t miss out on the magic.

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How Untreated Hearing Loss Can Affect the Brain

Man with hand on head due to pain

Research has shown that an individual is at an increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline due to hearing loss. A 12 yearlong study by Doctor Frank Lin found that people with a mild hearing loss are at twice the risk for developing dementia, while people with a moderate hearing loss have tripled the risk…

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How AI Powered Hearing Aids Can Help You Hear Better

Hearing aid technology continues to improve every year, and now there is new technology that utilises the power of artificial intelligence, also known as AI technology. When you hear AI technology, you may think of robots and machines taking over the world, but in the world of hearing, artificial intelligence can help hearing aids function more effectively.

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How Hearing Well Contributes to Our Overall Well-Being and Quality of Life

With one in six Australians experiencing hearing loss, causes can range from various health conditions such as trauma, genetics, ear infections, exposure to prolonged noisy environments, and as we mature with age our hearing can naturally decline.

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Have You Ever Felt Like You’re Missing Out Connecting Virtually?

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How we interact and communicate has changed dramatically and it highlights how important your hearing is to keep connected with family and friends. Listen to how improved hearing can have such an impact on one person.

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Treat Your Hearing Loss to Stay Mentally Healthy

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October 10 is World Mental Health Day. It’s a day for global mental health education and awareness. We know that one in five Australians are impacted by mental illness. Among these people are our family, friends and colleagues. Sadly, many of those affected by poor mental health report a lack of understanding and stigma around…

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What Other Medical Conditions Are Associated With Hearing Loss?

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Hearing loss is a co-morbity (a co-occurrence of one or more disorders). The six major other medical conditions associated with hearing loss are social isolation and loneliness, depression, balance problems and falls, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia. Additionally, beyond the medical conditions noted above, there are other comorbidities associated with hearing loss, including but not…

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Tips for Communicating with People Wearing Masks

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COVID-19 has changed many elements of our daily lives. As lock-down restrictions change across the country, new norms are being introduced. These are intended to help stem the spread of the virus and keep us safe. Two measures most of us are familiar with are social distancing and wearing a face mask. For those with…

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Be One of the First in Australia to Experience the Latest Revolutionary Advance in Hearing Technology

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With Livio Edge AI, the power of artificial intelligence is at your fingertips, giving you the next-generation sound performance in the most challenging listening environments. Choose from a standard rechargeable style — or the world’s first custom rechargeable hearing aid — and give yourself the edge you deserve! Call us now on 1300 855 271…

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ihear Is Offering Free Hearing Services

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To help service our patients and patients of other hearing care providers who may be closed during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are offering free hearing services Australia-wide. Free hearing checks. Our clinics are open, clean and safe environments. Please call in advance to make an appointment as we have social distancing measures inside our clinics….

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ihear Australia: COVID-19 Update 2020-03-17

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Our priority, as always, is the safety and care of our clients and staff. At this moment in time, all our clinics are open and we have taken extra measures to sanitise and increase hygiene procedures to create a safe environment. We are here to support you so if you have any concerns, please contact…

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Three Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Hearing Care Follow-Up Appointments

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Like your car, teeth, and even your financial portfolio, your hearing aids and hearing health can benefit from routine care and maintenance. After a hearing aid fitting, your hearing healthcare professional will likely recommend follow-up appointments. Hearing care follow-up appointments offer great opportunities to ask your hearing professional questions, have maintenance performed on your hearing…

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How Long Should My Hearing Aid Last?

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If you’re reading this because you’ve made a hearing aid purchase, congratulations on making such a sound investment in your health! Now, there are a few things you’ll need to do to make sure your hearing aids will go the distance, and that you’ll get the maximum lifespan out of them. But how long should…

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12 Reasons To Schedule A Free Hearing Check

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Hearing loss happens. 1 in 6 Australians affected by hearing loss, making it the 3rd most common condition affecting older Australians. 1 in 6 Australians is affected by hearing loss. This alone should incentivize you to schedule a free hearing check, but there are many other reasons too. Fortunately, hearing loss is very treatable and…

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The Importance of Frequent Hearing Check-ups

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If this appointment isn’t in your diary, it should be. Just as a car needs regular services to avoid expensive, unexpected trips to the mechanic, a proactive approach to our health is key to avoiding nasty surprises! You might already schedule annual trips to your GP, dentist and optometrist, but have you considered how seeing…

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Do You Have Diabetes? Put Your Hearing Health to the Test

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We know that type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia at epidemic proportions. More than 1.7 million Australians have diabetes, while 280 new cases are diagnosed every day. For us at ihear, many of the people we see in our clinics each day have diabetes. That’s why we’re driven to learn…

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Living With Meniere’s Disease

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Adjusting to Life With An Inner Ear Disorder like Meniere’s Disease Have you, or has a loved one, been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease? It can be an overwhelming time, especially for the newly-diagnosed. However, with the right healthcare partners and treatments, life can still be really good! The key to living with Meniere’s Disease is to…

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Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Delay That Hearing Test

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Hearing loss is nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, you’re in good company, with one in six Australians living with some form of hearing loss. Hearing loss can affect anyone at any age. It’s not just the domain of the elderly, as many believe. If you recognise any of these signs and symptoms in yourself…

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The Link Between Your Hearing and Overall Health

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With one in three people over 60 struggling to hear their best, it’s clear that hearing loss is a pervasive issue. More alarming is the negative impact of untreated hearing loss on a person’s quality of life. The consequences of ignoring hearing loss can range from simply missing out on special moments and conversations to increasing risk…

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Noise Annoyance is More Than Just Annoying

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Our increasingly louder world doesn’t just affect our hearing. Studies have also shown that “noise annoyance” can cause stress, anger, and disturbed sleep, all of which can permanently impair our physical health and mental well-being. One study — by the Department of Cardiology at the Mainz University Medical Center — confirmed that noise annoyance increases…

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These Common Hearing Aid Myths Could Be Holding You Back

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The concept of ‘fake news’ has defined the year 2017 so far, while the rise and rise of social media provides a platform for anyone with an internet connection to have their say. How do you wade through the piles of information and opinions to sort what’s fact from what’s fiction, especially when it comes…

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