How Hearing Well Contributes to Our Overall Well-Being and Quality of Life

With one in six Australians experiencing hearing loss, causes can range from various health conditions such as trauma, genetics, ear infections, exposure to prolonged noisy environments, and as we mature with age our hearing can naturally decline. In addition to these causes, it can also simply be as a result of ear wax build-up. And while understanding the causes of hearing loss is important, understanding the impact of hearing loss on our overall well-being and quality of life is much more important.

Hearing loss affects communication

Individuals with hearing loss can find it difficult to communicate with friends and family, constantly struggling to hear and understand what is being said. As a result, the impact of this miscommunication can bring with it feelings of isolation, fatigue, frustration, embarrassment, irritability, stress, depression, and a reduction in self-confidence. Hearing loss can present difficulties in communication within school, work, home, and social situations.

Hearing loss affects cognitive function

Specifically, when discussing age-related hearing loss, research has linked this hearing loss with a decline in cognitive function such as dementia. This seems to be not an effect of hearing loss but more a result of the social disengagement caused by hearing loss. However, there is good news. There are solutions that can help alleviate the impact of hearing loss and with that, significant improvements in overall well-being. Lifestyle changes, stress management, doing the things you love and enjoy, and generally keeping an active mind and body will assist in these positive changes.

Improve Your Health and Well-Being with Comprehensive Hearing Care

At ihear, hearing rehabilitation, communication strategies, hearing protection, an ear wax clean, and hearing aid solutions can all assist in improving and protecting your hearing – while also significantly contributing to your overall well-being and quality of life. It’s been an uncertain and disruptive time, with many of us having deferred important health checks. Now is the time to reconnect and seek the professional advice you need. Be sure to include a hearing assessment on that list. We check our eyes regularly, but what about our ears? Contact your local ihear clinic today to secure your hearing health appointment. Call 1300 650 250 or book an appointment online.